I can be contacted by:
Phone- 508-863-0464                
              [email protected]                 


Classroom sessions will be done on Sunday mornings at 10am, and on at 6:00 pm on weekdays if my schedule allows.  At this time I will only be giving the NRA Home Firearms Safety Course, which is a 3-4 hour class and is all that is required to obtain a license to carry in Massachusetts.  

I will teach a private class in your home, with 2 or more students, for a slightly higher cost.  

Classes at my location:
NRA Home Firearm Safety Course - $75.00 ea 

Private class in your home with 2 or more students:
NRA Home Firearm Safety Course - $85.00 ea  

Please check with your local police department for your city's LTC and FID policy. Some cities are tougher than others to get a license to carry.

email me